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What's the difference between knee brace and knee immobilizer?

A knee brace and a knee immobilizer are two distinct types of supports used for different purposes and conditions affecting the knee.

Knee Brace

Purpose: The purpose of knee braces is to give the knee joint stability and support. They are frequently utilized in relation to meniscus tears, chronic illnesses like arthritis, and knee injuries such as ligament sprains or tears (such as ACL, PCL, MCL, and LCL injuries).

Design and Function: Knee braces come in a variety of styles. Prophylactic braces are intended to prevent sports-related injuries. Functional braces are used to provide stability after an injury. Rehabilitative braces restrict harmful knee movement while the knee heals. Unloader/offloader braces are specifically made for arthritis sufferers. Generally speaking, they are more flexible than immobilizers, enabling a range of motion as required for the particular situation.

Mobility: Knee braces usually permit a certain amount of movement, which is crucial for healing and avoiding stiffness. The kind of brace used and the particular ailment being treated determine how mobile a person can be.

Knee Immobilizer

Purpose: The purpose of a knee immobilizer is to maintain the knee's fixed position. Its main purpose is to totally immobilize the knee joint, usually following a serious surgery or injury.

Design and Function: Compared to a knee brace, it is a far more rigid device. Usually, it is made of a lengthy, sturdy construction with straps to hold it in place that run the length of the leg, from the upper thigh to the ankle or foot. It forbids the knee from bending or twisting.

Mobility: A knee immobilizer, as the name implies, limits practically all knee joint movement. This is crucial in circumstances where knee movement could impair healing, including following certain surgeries or in cases of serious injuries.

Even though knee immobilizers and braces are both used to treat knee problems, they serve quite different objectives.

Knee braces help in recuperation and rehabilitation by offering support and stability while allowing for some movement.

Knee immobilizers, on the other hand, are used to totally limit movement, usually during the most severe stages of an injury or during the healing period following surgery. The particular knee issue and the intended course of treatment will determine which option is best.

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